How to apply for a child's Zimbabwe birth certificate while in South Africa
If you have ever tried to apply for a Zimbabwe birth certificate for a child born in South Africa you have experienced how confusing and challenging the steps could be, they are actual fairly simple. We have attempted to put the whole process for both into 5 easy steps.
Hope you will find them helpful. Comment below or on our Social media sites and let us help each each simply and understand these steps. Click each step to get more detail of tasks under that step:
Steps to apply for Birth certificate in South Africa

Gather the originals and photocopies of the following documents
1.) Child’s South African birth certificate (if applicable);
2.) Birth record / Health Card;
3.) Mother’s Zimbabwe I.D, Zimbabwe Birth Certificate and passport;
4.) Father’s Zimbabwe I.D, Zimbabwe Birth Certificate and passport;
5.) Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
Consulate Zimbabwe Birth certificate form fees:
R100.00 payable in cash at the Consulate
Before booking an appointment please note the following:
1.) All clients will be served strictly by appointment between 0830 and 1230 hours during weekdays. The appointment system is designed to ensure that clients do not exceed the allowable congregation thresholds at the Consulate, as set by the host Government under social distancing protocols.
2.) A maximum of (250) clients will be assisted per day at this point. The selection criteria would be based on first come- first served basis.
3.) The confirmation of appointment should be presented at the security checkpoint in order to be granted passage into the premises.
4.) Time slots are neither interchangeable nor transferable. (Clients are therefore, advised to strictly adhere to the allotted time slots.)
5.) Clients who show up at the Consulate without a confirmation of appointment will not be allowed into the premises.
6.) 4:00 am – 8:30 am appointments will be attended between 8:30 am till 12:00 pm
7.) If you need service for more than one family member, you must book them individually, one after the other and putting personal information of the person being booked for. Should you get any message of your booking appointment being re-scheduled to another date, please ignore such re-scheduling message and stick to the original booked appointment sent on email or SMS.
8.) Bring print out of your appointment confirmation you received on your email.
ALL Appointment Booking should be done here:
Sometimes slots are all booked. Please follow us on Social media or WhatsApp groups for updates when slots become available.
Once the booking is confirmed you can now go to the Consulate:
Current Hours of Operation
Open: Monday-Friday between 0830hrs to 1200hrs
Closed: Wednesdays, Weekends, South African & Zimbabwean public Holidays.
Johannesburg location and contact
Address: 13A Boeing Road West, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2007
Telephone: +27 11 615 5879
Fax: +27 11 615 1016
Cape Town location and contact
Address: 55 Kuper Street, Zonnebloem, Cape Town, 7925
Telephone: 021 4611 994-5
Once form is completed you can now submit via the following steps:
1.) Get your form to Zimbabwe either yourself or through courier service like Zimboshop Logistics. The form can be submitted by you or a designated relative.
2.) NB. Please note that the forms obtained from the Consulate should be submitted to the Registrar of Births and Deaths in Harare at Makombe Building. A payment of US$50.00 is payable upon submission of the forms in Harare.
Upon submission you will be advised on when the birth will be ready. Usually the Zimbabwe birth certificate is quick in a day or two.
You can have a passport application ready and submit for the minor soon after birth certificate is out.
Contribute your comments or questions here on the section below or to our Social sites. if we cannot answer you someone with the right experience will be able to assist. The Consultate is also available for your Support on the following contacts: